And THIS, is Coffee.  For a cat named Coffee, he sure does sleep ALOT.  And this sucka has got the nerve to actually cover his eyes when he sleeps - like he isn’t made to sleep outside in the elements.  His favorite place to sleep is on this bench in a tiny garden just outside my door.  If I try to sit down, he DOES. NOT. BUDGE.  At all.  Sleeping, or wide awake.  But he’ll have the nerve to purr for me to pet him, which I NEVER DO lol.  I think he’s under the impression that we’re DATING (in a very one-sided relationship, obviously) because he loves to PURRR outside my door late at night.  I do say sweet things to him though, so maybe that’s what’s got him all caught up ;). 
And lately he’s been playing cat and mouse with my shoes, which I leave outside.  The other morning as I was rushing out,  I COULDN’T FIND THEM, and spent a good 5 minutes of precious time searching until I did. Needless to say, he didn’t catch the mouse that actually made it into my apartment. SUCKA.
But like any GOOD COFFEE, seeing him does give me a little boost of energy, and sometimes, a coy little smile.

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