Snapshot of me setting my intention at the beginning of SUP Yoga practice:  "Dear abdominal muscles, please stay strong and fully engaged throughout this class.  I have too much homework to do and really don't want to have to wash my hair tonight if I fall in this water.  Thank you and NA-MA-STAY-on this board no matter what!"
So WOW,  balance training through SUP Yoga - or yoga on a stand-up paddle board, is muuuuch more challenging than I thought it would be. It requires A LOT OF BALANCE, to which core strength, is the key.  It's also important to balance your weight in the middle of the board.  The boards are attached to a line so you don't drift off to sea.  The water that we practice in is relatively shallow, but deep enough for you to SAFELY FALL IN.  
I didn't fall in during this practice, but that required immense FOCUS.  I did get a tinge sea sick, but my will power is even stronger than my core, so I didn't give up.  Instead, I GOT a little bit STRONGER.

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